NYMC > School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) > SHSP Academics > Clinical Practice Sites > S.L.P. Clinical Sites

S.L.P. Clinical Sites


From the first semester of the first year in our medically-oriented program, students experience hands-on training throughout the clinical curriculum, so they are prepared to assess and treat patients in healthcare and professional settings.  

Students spend one of their three externships in a modular medical rotation where they gain experiences in dysphagia evaluation and treatment, augmentative and alternative communication, audiology, critical care, adult cognitive-linguistic evaluation, acute rehabilitation socialization group, and in-patient psychiatric treatment.  Some of our community partners include:  

  • Boston Children's Health Physicians Division of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Westchester Medical Center
  • Affiliated Regional Hospitals 

Our medically oriented education and training is enriched by the integration of resources from the School of Health Sciences and Practice and the School of Medicine.

We are also one of a few programs with a strong focus on public health. That’s how our students develop an appreciation for their role in ensuring the communicative health of the population. They consider population- and client- based approaches to professional practice, including the prevention of speech, language, and hearing disorders and the assessment of treatment efficacy.

  SLP Clinical Sites
  Click the photo to view a map of the SLP clinical sites.