NYMC > School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) > SHSP Academics > Degrees > Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.) > Dr.P.H. Competencies

Dr.P.H. Competencies

Doctoral Core Competencies

A graduate of the Dr.P.H. degree program in Health Policy and Management is expected to achieve the following doctoral core (DC) competencies:

DC1 - Determine and interpret appropriate analytical tests for both quantitative and qualitative data including written and oral presentations based on these analyses.

DC2 - Integrate environmental health considerations into the practice and analysis of public health issues.

DC3 - Understand and apply the epidemiologic analysis of disease determinants and distributions to the development, implementation and review of public health policy.

DC4 - Demonstrate the ability to integrate ethical, economic and political considerations in developing public health policies to improve the health status of populations.

DC5 - Understand the importance of behavioral and social factors in the development of public health interventions; the role of social and community factors in both the onset and solution of public health problems; and be able to assess these factors within communities taking into account the local stakeholders and their interests.

DC6 - Develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses, research designs and analytic approaches to conduct applied health services and policy research.

Doctoral Program-Specific Competencies

A graduate of the Dr.P.H. degree program in Health Policy and Management is expected to achieve the following doctoral program-specific competencies:

HPM DP1 - Demonstrate knowledge of the development, organization, financing and delivery of health care services in the United States and their public health impact.

  • Identify, monitor and evaluate emerging trends in the organization, financing and delivery of healthcare services.
  • Obtain, synthesize, and critically evaluate scholarly literature and other sources of evidence-based data including research presentations, working papers and government documents.

HPM DP2 - Recognize the linkages between health and economic policies and their potential roles in mitigating health and healthcare disparities.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the social, political, cultural and economic factors influencing the development of, and changes in, public health policies and programs
  • Identify the intended and unintended consequences of health and economic policies on population health, health care disparities and the allocation of resources
  • Apply health economics and financing theory and analytical strategies to health policy research.

HPM DP3 - Understand and apply legal and ethical principles and values to the conduct of healthcare research and the delivery of health care services.

  • Develop familiarity with federal and state health laws and their historical context
  • Apply a legal framework to policy analyses
  • Apply the principles of clinical and research ethics that encompass notions of patient autonomy and privacy, beneficence of healthcare providers, individual values and concerns for social justice.

HPM DP4 - Develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses, research designs and analytic approaches to conduct health services and policy research.

  • Identify and apply theoretical knowledge and conceptual models
  • Select appropriate research designs and methodologies including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
  • Integrate and apply interdisciplinary theories and research findings to improve quality and access to health care and enhance population health.

HPM DP5 - Demonstrate leadership in the design, implementation and evaluation of public health interventions and policies.

  • Strategically plan, implement and evaluate health programs and policies
  • Apply negotiation, advocacy and additional skills to public policy-making and program development
  • Demonstrate principles of effective leadership to create a shared vision within a public health organization and foster partnerships that maximize achievement of public health goals.

HPM DP6 - Communicate and disseminate research findings and policy initiatives through formal and informal writing and public presentations.

  • Interpret and explain the results of research to various audiences including academics, policymakers, healthcare professionals, the public, the press and via the internet
  • Write articles for submission to scholarly journals and the popular press.