NYMC > About NYMC > Policies > COVID-19 Policy on Campus Access

COVID-19 Policy on Campus Access

Dated: September 7, 2022
Supersedes: Campus Access during the 2020-2021 Academic Year Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic dated March 9, 2022
Last Review: September 7, 2022


It is the purpose of this policy to define the New York Medical College (“NYMC”) and Touro College of Dental Medicine (“TCDM” and, together with NYMC, the “College”) protocol for access to campus buildings other than campus housing during the COVID- 19 pandemic.

Access to campus housing is governed by the NYMC Grasslands Housing Policy Handbook and any supplemental housing policies.


It is the policy of the College that all persons accessing campus, other than clinic patients, must have primary COVID-19 vaccination plus a booster vaccine unless granted an exemption by NYMC Health Services.

  1. Individuals with an approved medical or religious exemption to COVID-19 vaccination must be testing regularly in accordance with policy.
  2. All persons, other than patients, are not to access campus if they have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and are not to access campus if they are on isolation or self-quarantine due to COVID-19 infection or exposure,
  3. The NYMC Health Services department may authorize exceptions to this
  4. This policy supplements but does not replace all other non-COVID campus access policies including the POLICY ON CAMPUS IDENTIFICATION BADGES AND ACCESS TO BUILDINGS AND PARKING LOTS and the POLICY ON OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS.


This policy applies to all individuals accessing the NYMC campus, including 19 Skyline Drive.


New York Medical College COVID‐19 Vaccination Requirements: NYMC currently requires primary COVID-19 vaccination plus a booster vaccine. See related policies.

Isolation: A restriction required to prevent spread of infection from persons with confirmed or suspect COVID-19 infection.

Quarantine: A restriction required for persons who may be incubating COVID-19 infection due to contact /exposure to infection. The procedures for isolation and for quarantine are as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


A. Symptoms

      1. Any person who has experienced cough, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, or fever at or greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) during the past ten (10) days is prohibited from accessing campus without authorization from the NYMC Health Services Department unless on campus solely to access the dental or medical clinics.
      2. Access to the dental and medical clinics on campus is detailed

B. Students and Employees

      1. Student and employee requirements for COVID-19 vaccination, procedures for suspect or confirmed COVID-19, COVID-19 exposure are detailed in the related policies above.
      2. See COVID-19 Policies

C. Visitors
Visitors to campus (other than clinic patients) must have primary COVID-19 vaccine plus a booster. It is the responsibility of the person/department/school inviting a visitor(s) to ensure documentation of vaccination has been received and reviewed and to ensure visitors are aware of the requirement to not access campus if they have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and are not to access campus if they are on isolation or self-quarantine due to COVID-19 infection or exposure, respectively.

D. Patients
Patients accessing the dental clinic, Family Health Center and the Clinical Trials Unit are to follow procedures of the service.


A. Students: Covid-19 Student Protocol For Exposure, Confirmed Or Suspect InfectionB. Employees:Employee Requirements for COVID-19 Exposure, Infection, Suspect Infection.C. Campus Wide

      1. Mandatory Campus Covid‐19 Vaccination
      2. Masks, Personal Protective Equipment, And Physical Distancing Requirements
      3. COVID-19 Policy on Campus Access


This policy is effective immediately


Executive Stakeholder: Vice President and Chief Legal Counsel
Oversight Offices: NYMC Student Health Services, TCDM Clinic Operations and NYMC Family Health Center