If you have a credit balance on your account, you will receive a refund. A credit produced by Federal aid funding will be processed by The Office of the Bursar within 14 days of the date the credit appears on your student account.
You have two options to receive your refund.
We strongly recommend that students use the Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct Deposit) option which allows you to receive your refunds via electronic deposit to the bank account of your choice. Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive a refund! To enroll in direct deposit have your checking account routing number and account number available.
A guide on how to sign up for eRefund is available on the TouroOne portal.
Please be advised that if you have paid by credit card via TouchNet any credit on your account will be credited back to that card first.
If you have any questions regarding your refund, please reach out to the Help Desk: help@touro.edu or call us at 844-868-7666
Your refund check will be mailed to your mailing address on file. If you do not have a mailing address it will be mailed to your permanent address. It is your responsibility to make sure your addresses are correct in the TouroOne portal. To update your address log on to Touro One – Select the Academic Tab – Select View update/address and phone on right hand side.
If you are experiencing issues signing up please contact the Bursar’s Office at 914-594-4454 and we will work to resolve the problem.
Please review your program's withdrawal schedule below before registration and speak to your program Bursar if you have any questions. You are liable for registration changes that impact your balance. Each NYMC school has a unique withdrawal schedule indicating a student’s financial liability if they should withdraw at any time during the semester.
Telephone calls are not an acceptable notice of intent. Generally, there is a 100% refund during the first week of classes. Because refunds are date-driven, please see below for specific refund information. Fees are non-refundable.
Please note that withdrawals may affect your financial aid status. View the School of Medicine refund withdrawal policy on the SOM policies webpage.
It is the student's responsibility to initiate withdrawals from all classes. Non-attendance at classes or non-payment of account balance does not constitute a withdrawal or relieve a student from their financial obligation.