Phone: (914) 594 4166
New York Medical College
15 Dana Road
Basic Sciences Building (BSB), 646
Valhalla, NY 10595
Honors and Awards:
Dr. Bisserier is an Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy and of Physiology at New York Medical College. He joins NYMC from the Cardiovascular Research Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. His postdoctoral work uncovered a new epigenetic mechanism underlying the loss of BMPR2 in pulmonary arterial hypertension. His work has been published in high-impact journals, including Circulation, Circulation Research, Cardiovascular Research, Blood, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and Molecular Therapy. He is a member of the American Thoracic Society, American Heart Association, International Society of Heart Research, and the Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute and he currently serves as Guest Editor of several journals. Dr. Bisserier has been awarded several prestigious recognitions, including the Cournand and Comroe Early Career Investigator Award from the American Heart Association. His lab aims to further investigate the transcriptional and epigenetic alterations in pulmonary arterial hypertension with the ultimate goal to develop new therapeutic strategies for prevention and treatment. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Toulouse in France, followed by a two-year postdoctoral training in pathology at Yale University.
Selected Bibliography:
Astronauts Plasma-Derived Exosomes Induced Aberrant EZH2-Mediated H3K27me3 Epigenetic Regulation of the Vitamin D Receptor.
Bisserier M, Brojakowska A, Saffran N, Rai AK, Lee B, Coleman M, Sebastian A, Evans A, Mills PJ, Addya S, Arakelyan A, Garikipati VNS, Hadri L, Goukassian DA.
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022
Right predominant electrical remodeling in a pure model of pulmonary hypertension promotes reentrant arrhythmias.
Strauss B, Bisserier M, Obus E, Katz MG, Fargnoli A, Cacheux M, Akar JG, Hummel JP, Hadri L, Sassi Y, Akar FG.
Heart Rhythm. 2022 Jan
Regulation of the Methylation and Expression Levels of the BMPR2 Gene by SIN3a as a Novel Therapeutic Mechanism in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
Bisserier M, Mathiyalagan P, Zhang S, Elmastour F, Dorfmüller P, Humbert M, David G, Tarzami S, Weber T, Perros F, Sassi Y, Sahoo S, Hadri L.
Circulation. 2021
Combination Therapy with STAT3 Inhibitor Enhances SERCA2a-Induced BMPR2 Expression and Inhibits Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
Bisserier M, Katz MG, Bueno-Beti C, Brojakowska A, Zhang S, Gubara S, Kohlbrenner E, Fazal S, Fargnoli A, Dorfmuller P, Humbert M, Hata A, Goukassian DA, Sassi Y, Hadri L.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Aug
Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA as a Potential Biomarker for Astronauts' Health.
Bisserier M, Shanmughapriya S, Rai AK, Gonzalez C, Brojakowska A, Garikipati VNS, Madesh M, Mills PJ, Walsh K, Arakelyan A, Kishore R, Hadri L, Goukassian DA.
J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Nov
AAV1.SERCA2a Gene Therapy Reverses Pulmonary Fibrosis by Blocking the STAT3/FOXM1 Pathway and Promoting the SNON/SKI Axis.
Bisserier M, Milara J, Abdeldjebbar Y, Gubara S, Jones C, Bueno-Beti C, Chepurko E, Kohlbrenner E, Katz MG, Tarzami S, Cortijo J, Leopold J, Hajjar RJ, Sassi Y, Hadri L.
Mol Ther. 2020
Search PubMed for all available publications of Dr. Bisserier.
Institution Service or Academic Service:
Defense Jury Member doctoral and graduate dissertation/thesis
Reviewer for Granting Agencies
Organizer of Research-in-Progress talk and Journal Club
Peer reviewer
Guest editor
Laboratory Safety Officer